Nature Blog #1
nature, outdoors, community
So if you've made it this far, you're probably excpecting me to just tell you right? Well, in all reality it's turns out you cannot define a nature blog in one sentence. It must be broken down into the spereate elements that combine to create a nature blog. Through research, experience, and (really good) advice from mentors, I've generated some important elements that I plan to include in future nature blogs, that I would like to share with you.
Element #1: Personal Perspective, I will use my personal experience and expertise to generate important blogs about different nature environments, to produce a potential connection between me and the readers of this blog (YOU GUYS!)
Element #2: Educational Techniques, will allow me to not only teach readers about important rules and ways of nature but to also spark an interest for them to want to try it themselves in the future!
Element #3: Beautiful visuals, engage the audience and give viewers a chance to experience some of the events we host, as well as the expeditions we set out on!
Element #4: NOT TOO WORDY, we'd like to keep everything simple and straight to the point throughout every blog to maximize interest for readers.
Element #5: HAVE FUN! Loosen up a little, read, write, and learn about nature to create pieces that will resonate with your audience.
By defining these elements, we hope you gain a greater understanding of the nature of our nature blogs (NO PUN INTENDED). We hope to see you next time!
Make today a good day, and tomorrow an even better one!